Washington Tuskegee Alumni Club
Membership Drive

 June 1st - June 30th


The purpose of this drive is to show our Washington Tuskegee Alumni Club membership we appreciate our members. Our goal is to also highlight our mission and the benefits of being a WTAC member.

During the month of June, we will highlight the club purpose, plans, and membership benefits. So, please make sure you join our email list.

We will also be raffling off $25 Amazon Gift Cards or “Something of a Similar Value” every Sunday during the month of June.

Raffle Dates

All the below raffles will be for 2022-2023 financial members.

Sunday, June 5th 

Sunday, June 12th - Raffles will take place live at the conclusion of the club meeting, whether you are in-person or virtual.

Sunday, June 19th  

Sunday, June 26th


Check the “Frequently Asked Questions” (FAQ) section first for answers to your questions. For all questions, include question regarding your membership status, contact membership@tuskegeedmv.org

Do you Want TO Support Membership?

If you are interested in support membership committee or the membership drive consider donating gifts, services, or prizes for this drive or a future drive. Contact the Membership Committee for details membership@tuskegeedmv.org