
  1. Review the What is the Parade of Clubs, Parade of Clubs History, and Frequently Asked Questions.

  2. Download and fill out the Parade of Clubs Form.

  3. Delivery Instructions

    1. Mailing Instructions: Mail the completed Parade of Clubs Form with a check or money order to the Washington Tuskegee Alumni Club, P.O. Box 90061 Washington DC 20090. Please make check or money order payable to Tuskegee University. We will forward your check and information to Tuskegee University. Please make sure all information is mailed and arrives by Wednesday, August 9th, to be include in Parade of Clubs total.

    2. Hand Delivery: Please hand deliver your form with payment to the Northeastern Regional Conference at Live! Casino & Hotel Maryland, 7002 Arundel Mills Circle #7777, Handover, MD 21076. Call or text 240-366-7255 or email to make delivery arrangements. Available timeframes are listed below.

      1. Thursday, August 10th: After 6pm

      2. Friday, August 11th: All day

      3. Saturday, August 12th: All day - up until and during the Northeastern Region Crimson and Gold Banquet (7:00pm-10:30pm)

  4. If you don't have a printer, email the completed Parade of Clubs Form to us at and your check to us at Washington Tuskegee Alumni Club P.O. Box 90061 Washington DC 20090.

  5. If you are not an Eminent Associate consider filing out the Eminent Associate Form and include it with your mail.