Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Where can I find the Parade of Clubs donation online?
A: Here is the link to the Parade of Clubs donation form.
Q: What should I do to ensure that my donation will be included in the TNAA Parade of Clubs overall donation to Tuskegee University?
A: Complete the TNAA Parade of Clubs Donation Form; follow the instructions and submit along with your donation to your club president or regional director.
Q: If I make a donation directly to Tuskegee University and designate for Parade of Clubs will it be included in the overall Parade of Clubs donation?
A: Remember, this is a TNAA event not a University event. There is no assurance that your donation submitted directly to Tuskegee University will be included. If you do make your donation directly to the University, notate specifically on your donation that it is for the Parade of Clubs event. Report the donation to your club president or regional director immediately for inclusion at the event.
Q: Whom should I make my check payable to?
A: All checks and money orders should be made payable to Tuskegee University and given to your club president or regional director with the completed donation form. Be sure to specify, “Parade of Clubs” in the memo section of your check.
Q: May I bring my donation directly to the regional conference or national convention?
A: YES, you will need to give it to your club president or regional director with a completed donation form.
Q: May I designate how I want my donation to be used?
A: YES. Make your designations on the donation form.
Q: Are pledges accepted as Parade of Clubs donations?
A: YES. All pledges must be fully paid by September 1, 2024. This is also included on the donation form.
Q: Are scheduled monthly contributions e. g. Tiger Draft to Tuskegee University included in the Parade of Clubs donations?
A: NO, these contributions are not included.
Q: Must I be a member of TNAA to make a donation during the Parade of Clubs event?
A: NO. All donations are welcomed and appreciated!
Q: Is my donation tax deductible?
Q: Will my donation be credited towards my Eminent Associates yearly contribution?
Q: Can my employer match my donation?
Q: Can I donate to a specific student?
A: YES you can, BUT, it will NOT be tax deductible.
Q: Is there a minimum amount I have to contribute?
A: NO, any amount will be appreciated
Q: Does my donation have to go to Tuskegee’s General Fund?
A: No, there are several options listed on the form to help you decide.
Q: Will TNAA get the credit for my donation?
Q: If a club submits one check for the POC and includes a list of donors with their contributions, who gets the credit?
A: The credit will ONLY go to the CLUB!!! Each individual donor MUST submit their own donation made payable to TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY.